Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Back in July or was it August?

Cute cousin Halle

Tyler being thrown by his dad

Brandon being thrown

Can't remember when they came but here are some pics from the photos of MST Photographer Mari Seeger talented sister in law.  Sorry can't seem to blog in the correct order so this is about a month ago.  And uuuhhhh did we take ANY pcitures of the weekend that Britt, Lauren, Maddie, Ashley, Kate and Grandma Laraine came???  LAME


Kat and Steve said...

I wish I lived by Mary so she could take pictures of my kids! Those are beautiful. And I love the pic on your sidebar of Jace smiling. How did he get so big? He was still a floppy sleepy newborn when we saw him. We're bummed we missed his blessing on Sunday.

Lindsey Anderson said...

What sweet pictures. I love your updates about your family. I swear you all live in the water!!

John and Cathryn said...

They do grow way to fast! I'm going to miss holding Jace so much. Ok I think I'm the one who honestly needs a tissue!

Verenice and Matthew said...

Jace is the cutest!