Thursday, September 30, 2010

Funny Boys

So I do hesitate to share most of what happens around here but I know that there aren't a ton of people that read this....and I hope that you don't judge me when you do!  I am about to share some funny stuff that just seems to happen around here with three boys.  I try so hard to teach them good manners, polite....things I guess.  Anyway we'll see if it ever actually takes.  Here are some things that happen to me on a daily basis and I only share because this is my only record of it.  I dont really write in a journal cause I have carpal tunnel and typing actually hurts less! So here goes.  Not all of it is offensive.

I can't believe how fast time is flying by. The boys are really liking school. Brandon REALLY likes it. He loves to learn. Tyler does too but not like Brandon does. Brandon wants to write all day long. Letters and numbers. Brandon and his Grandma Carla are like pen pals now. He had her send him something in the mail and he got it today, his eyes were so big and so was his smile. He ran home, opened it and made her something that he immediately mailed back to her. So cute. She drew him picrures of Souki and River (her dogs), and a frog. It was awesome.

Luckily no one was around when Ethan learned to ask me this particular question....."hey mom, wanna see my butt qwack?"

Yep, that is what he learns from two older brothers. Nice.

He says tons of funny stuff of course, he thinks he is 8 like Tyler. He rides a scooter really well now and I am so afraid for his safety. He thinks he is so old and industructable. He also does MANY tricks on the "twampoweem" that are very impressive. I hear these words most of the day, regardless of the current activity,

"Mom, watch!" "Mom, did you see dat?" "Mom watch dis!" "I was like....oh and den I went ohhh!"

I get the same from Brandon and sometimes Tyler too. It's all very cute. After about an hour though it gets a little old I have to admit.

ok here is a rare one of mom, Marnae
                                                  Brandon Loves to fish as do the other boys
                                                               Brandon and Dad
Well, even though it is almost October we have been going to the lake, fishing and waterskiing and wakesurfing and we LOVE it!!! Here are some Pics. This is a blurry picture of Brian and he won't like it cause there are better ones on his mom's camera, but I think it's not so bad!  I have only one picture of myself but for the record, I waterskied and wakesurfed and wakeboarded all summer long!!!  It's ok, don't love pics of myslef anyway. This one above is from earlier that my sister Piage took in McCall, Idaho at our family reunion which was soooo fun!


Kat and Steve said...

That is so funny! Gotta love them boys.

Lindsey Anderson said...

Man, I was preparing myself for some serious bad stuff, but that was just funny. You really are a great mom of boys.