Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Letter to John and Cathryn

OK, first off John, we never wished you a happy birthday so Happy Late Birthday! I have also attatched a letter that Tyler wrote you. He talks again about snow boarding with you down that sledding hill when you get back. He is funny.

Cathryn, here is how I am going to be celebrating your birthday. I will be teaching TWO classes in a row! And then I will come home and die because I will be so tired. My friend who teaches the class right before me next tuesday will be out of town and so I am doing both kickboxing/step and then piyo. I hope you have a great birthday....I think you might be getting LOTs of stuff in the mail....so watch out. I have been pretty busy with vinyl lately so that is my life. Teaching classes, doing vinyl and mostly taking care of kids, house and family.
Here are some things happening around here. We had stake conference this last weekend and guess who we sustained to be an Elder? Dallas. That was cool. I don't think he was there, but still. Is he getting married?
Brian got called to be in the stake youngs mens' presidency. Here's the interesting thing about that for us. We have been looking to find a new job for him and so we have been open to the idea of moving, even out of state. He just needs a new job. But now with this calling and the fact that they just gave him a bunch of things to do at work, we are guessing we are staying here a while. Which is fine with us! We pray everyday that we will know where we are supposed to go and what we are supposed to do, we kind of felt like this might be telling us we are going no where soon.
Ever since Tyler got his new scriptures from getting baptized, he wants to read them every night. He read scriptures before but not with this kind of dedication! He loves that he has his own set it's very cute. He insists on starting in Genesis and does not like the idea of skipping around or skipping ahead. So we have been reading every word of Genesis lately.
Brandon did a little sharing of his "Me Box" last Friday. All this means is that he put together some things he wanted to share with his class in to a box that he decorated. Well, he had me print off some pictures that he likes. One was of baby Benson, him playing baseball, us at the Chritus in Salt Lake and some others. Well, I was there when he presented the box and the picture of Benson was his favorite by far next the one of Jesus. He told the class that he loved Jesus and that Benson was his favorite baby. It was soooo cute.
Some things about Ethan lately....he saw a plane flying over our house last week and asked me if it was going to China? I did not know he even knew about China.
Then he came up to Brian on Sunday and said,
Ethan: "Dad, I EVER lost a tooth!"
Brian: "You did?"
Ethan: "Yep, EVER!" Isn't that funny? He just hears the boys talk, he has not ever lost a tooth.
He comes with me to Brandon's classroom when I volunteer and he tells all the kindergarteners that he is 5 and that he is big. He also comes to whisper to me often, "Mom, I am being good. I am being quiet. I am a good boy. I am big."
So far this morning he has been talking about "bum cheeks". He and Brandon play a game called hotel....I am not totally sure what it is yet but they are for sure imaginitive and entertaining.

Well, I have to go but I hope you have a great week and Cathyn a great birthday.

Love, Marnae

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