Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Lost and Fountain

Here is another one from Brandon.  He totaly thought it was lost and fountain instead of Lost and Found.  He also learned today the correct word for the famale private parts...he is 7 now after all right?  Both he and Tyler asked me tonight where the baby comes out of...well what an opportunity.  ANYWAY I told him it was time for him to learn the names of some parts.  I also told him that he didn't need to go around repeating the words either.  OH MY well he went to bed saying them over and over again.  Hopefully he gets it all out before school tomorrow morning.  What a crazy. I did not, however, go into all the other stuff.  They only asked where the baby comes out of...not how it got there.  Baby steps.  At least they asked.  I am sure it won't be long before the curiosity grows from there.  It's fine, we were preparing to tell all so this is great.
On a lighter note, Brandon turned 7 last week and we had a great time!  He really wanted a soccer ball with a net/goal, he was so excited.  He had a little birthday party with all his friends here at home, it was fun!  I need to upload some pictures.  I just had to get this all down in type before I forget it all.  Not a dull moment around here.


The Morgans said...

Oh boy..well I wonder where they get the giggles about private parts..Brian! John told me his hilarious last night was I was cracking up and so wish I had been there..guess we will see what comments are said the 30th

Patrick and Paige said...


Kat and Steve said...

I love all your Brandon stories. I think you probably have enough to write a book!

So funny about the birds and the bees convo. I was going to ask you if you've had that talk yet and I forgot!