Monday, September 22, 2008

Birthdays and School

Tyler started kindergarten and he loves it! He also turned 6 last week and had a great time at his BMX Track Party. The boys rode and rode for hours! We had to get them to take a break for cake. They hardly stopped for water, it was amazing. Brian and I even had a little race between us two on some tiny bikes and he won. Only because his legs are longer....?
We also got a bunny and the boys named him "Brown", he is shuggly and soft and I am totally allergic to him! That is why we don't have pets pretty much. My good friend Amy gave it to them and they love it. It is cute I just wish I could hold it without getting athsma! Ethan gets totally excited and crazy when we let it out of it's cage. We keep the cage in the garage so that I don't have to breathe the same air!
Tyler got some snazzy new church clothes for his birthday and this is how they posed for me for pictures! They are so crazy and goofy. The weather here is officially cold now. I think we only had two seasons this year it seems. Summer and Winter. Well, this post is mostly pictures so enjoy.


Thompson Family said...

Happy belated Birthday Tyler. He looks so grown up and handsome in those clothes! I am not sure we could get Kyle to dress like that with the tie and all. He doesn't care for anything tight (including socks!) Looks like a fun party too.

John and Cathryn said...

This makes me miss the boys. I just can't believe you two have a six year old. It seems like yesterday that he was born. I love the new church clothes, the ladies are going to be lovin' him one day especially with his sweet bmx moves..and he's nephews are awesome

Patrick and Paige said...

Yeah, I am deathly allergic to Rabbits, even more allergic then I am to cats and dogs. It is Horrible. The pics are so cute. I wish we could have been there. sorry to bail last minute. Hope he had a blast. Can't wait to see you this weekend and I have cd's for tyler. love ya and love the picture of Tyler in his church outfit. SO FUNNY!

Ian and Resa said...

What a fun birthday! Tylers friends probably talk about how you're the coolest mom ever:) I can't believe how big they are getting. Too cute and funny for their own good!

Shiara said...

He sure looks snazzy in his church clothes! They make him look so much older! Also, look at that picture of him getting some air on that bike! What a crazy guy!... That's cute they got a bunny, but stinks you're allergic to him!

Ashley said...

What a fun birthday! I still can't believe he can do stuff like this. We need to move to Oregon! A rabbit...seriously...didn't the roberts who lived on the street behind us have one. The Gretz' did, and we were allergic then too!

Verenice said...

That bunny is super cute. Way to be a trooper and hang on to it anyway. Your boys are cute by the way!

mle said...

Hey Powell family, it's the Walkers-Blair and Emily, we just entered the blog world and saw your blog on the Fronces. Your fam is so cute, when are you coming into Beaverton next? Or maybe we should grab the Coopers and head your way? I think Todd's fam still has a cabin in Sunriver-that would be fun. Tyler and our 5yr old boy Jonah would be best buddies-we have a awesome skate park down the street from our house that he loves. So lets play sometime!