Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Already September?

Well, it has been more than a month since we updated our blog. We are getting ready to go back to school (just Tyler). He will start tomorrow at Tom McCall right across the street from us and he will be in afternoon kindergarten so that will be nice! It's still pretty laid back for us since our kids are still younger. Tyler is really excited to be at the "big" school now. Brandon is doing great and as always I have a funny story about him.
We were getting ready for bed and in the bathroom and he pulled out the scale to see how much he weighed. He stepped on and looked up at me and asked "Mom, how weighs I do weighs?" But he did it with his lisp and it sounded more like "how wayth I do wayth?" I was laughing so hard. He is seriously so funny, everyday.
Ethan turned one on August 25th and he had no idea but we had some fun (sort of) down at the lake that day. It was so unusually cold in August. Now that it is September it is hot again!
Cathryn, Brian's younger sister, went to college this week so that is always a bummer. We love having her here. Like I always remind those I love, we need you to move here!
We had fun with Paige and patrick here for a weekend and she took an enormous amount of cute pictures. Then for Labor Day weekend we went hiking with the boys and Grandpa John to Todd Lake by Bachelor and then up to Big Lake by Hoodoo ski areas. It was really beautiful. I love this time of year!
I just have to say that I think I am really in love with our boys! They do drive me crazy at times, but they are so cute. Mostly well behaved (except they really act like boys sometimes). "Tooting" since we don't let them say "fart". They do it ALLLL the time, even in church which Brandon got in trouble for. I think he really thought that it didin't matter that he was there! I am trying to teach him that they can only do that when they are their room or something. Ethan is just the cutest boy ever. I think I really like the one year old stage, still so innocent and cute and they just soak up everything you say and do. Tyler is just a sweet boy, he's very thoughtful and loving. Brandon is always bringing me flowers and making me pictures. Tyler is always making picures and books for his friends, it's cute.
Here is a sad picture of Ethan. Yesterday he got ran into by a neighbor kid on his BIKE, yes the front of the bike actually made contact with Ehtan's face! He has kind of a black eye now. The kid is only 4 but seriously, look out! I can't believe still that he just ran over my baby! We live in this cul-de-sac with boys riding bikes everywhere so I only let Ehtan walk around during the early day when most of the boys are in school. Well, this one is too young for school and apparently too young to drive safely! It was really sad. He is ok though.
This is Brian waterskiing again since I don't seem to get good pics when I get out on the water! Mt. Jefferson and then just pics. of the fam.


Cori Norman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Patrick and Paige said...

Okay, so I totally just left you a comment but forgot to sign out of cori's account. so I deleted it and here is what I wrote...
we had so much fun coming down to hang out. I know Tyler will love Kindergarten and it is so nice that he is right across the street. love ya

Thompson Family said...

I thought you fell off the face of the blog world there...Cute pics and such cute boys. Kyle seems to be liking kindergarten too, but says all they do is read books and play...not exactly impressed!

Brenda said...

Thanks for the update Powells! We miss you guys a ton and have found that we are wonderin where you guys are now that we are back in Utah county! I drove through the old neighborhood the other day and I have to say that our yards looked better when we lived there! Let us know when you can come for a visit! We'd love it! Great photos and that beautiful mountain makes me miss home! You know I'm a "Northwest Girl" at heart!!! :O)

John and Cathryn said...

I miss you guys and Oregon so much!!!! My school schedule is crazy hard but somehow i'll make it through. I hope Tyler is loving school and that's sad about Ethan! I loved the weigh story..Brandon is hilarious as always. See ya

Chiara said...

hahah - I'm glad my boys aren't the only ones that think "tooting" is so stinkin funny. And it doesn't help that Bill thinks it is hilarious as well and eggs them on...much to my dismay! Ahhh....what we have to deal with living with ALL BOYS!!!

Spitzer Family said...

Your boys are so cute and fun! They are all at really fun ages. Did you hear we are moving to El Paso? Crazy! It's good to see you are all doing so well.

Lindsey Anderson said...

It is so fun to see what you and your family have been up to. Crazy that our oldest kids are in Kindergarten! I miss pretty. Miss you too! Our kids would have a blast together.

John and Cathryn said...

We always knew you liked John but we didn't realize HOW important he actual was until we noticed he's in the picture of "the men in your life" ha ha


-Cathryn and John