Monday, May 5, 2008

My Life as a MOM

So this weekend my Dad came to visit and it was really nice. It's always nice just to have an extra hand and various times. Brandon however I felt was very naughty! He had major temper problems. Three year olds take the cake over 2's I think. He just gets angry over nothing really and can't stop until way later. It's KIND OF funny but really annoying at the same time cause it's not like he tells you what is the matter as if you could TRY and help him figure things out.

I was getting ready for the day this morning and Ethan had already had a bottle and a bath so should be totally happy right? Well, he was at my feet, holding on for dear life to my legs like babies do. I was trying so hard not to let him fall while doing my hair, I grabbed the hairspray to try and hold the hair in place so that I could rapidly go throughout my busy day. What I really grabbed was the half eaten bottle of formula and poured some over my didn't really give the same affect as the spray and was much wetter. The point of the story is that you know your a "MOM" when you can't even do your hair quick enough to be in the bathroom alone for 5 minutes and be able to grab the right stuff to get the job done! Needless to say while trying to balance a baby carefully at your feet so he doesn't topple into the cupboards or onto the hard bathroom floor, this resulting in guilt because they scream in pain and look at you like you just tried to hurt them.

I was thinking that I might start a book about the funny things that you have to do and then what you get used to doing while you have little kids. The funny ways that you sneak out of the room while they aren't looking so that you can get SOMETHING done that hour or even that day. Only to be discovered missing in action two minutes later and paying for it for the next 20 minutes with mass histeria in your arms. This is the way it is when you have an 8 month old who thinks his world is ending when you think for even a minute that it might be OK to leave the room or have the nerve to actually walk by without picking him up!

Now about Brandon, he actually can be quite sweet and helpful. He just informed me that Ethan needs a diaper change he is getting me all the necessities to do it. Being a mom is like being on a roller coaster! Happy kids, sad kids, grumpy kids, not to mention that my emotions might change a bit during the day as well! Tyler is at school at the moment so I have a couple seconds to catch up here on the blog, or as I like to think of it my journal! Tlyer is doing well, just a little attitude here and there. I can't believe that I am actually old enough to be rasising three kids and teaching them the life lessons that I remember trying hard to understand as a child. He is really sweet to his brothers most of the time and really helpful with Ethan. I love what a smaller sibling can teach an older one. Both Brandon and Tyler are cute the way that they talk to Ethan as if he can understand them. Life seems short at times and I really want to cherish the present time, other days it can really drag on, it's kind of wierd. Like I said, roller coaster.


Kat and Steve said...

It's true, such a roller coaster for everyone involved. I hate having a baby hanging onto my pants and crying, I feel so trapped because if I move somebody gets hurt but I can't always pick the kid up either. I feel ya.

Patrick and Paige said...

I love the Hairspray/Formula mix up story. I could picture it as I read it. I am glad that dad could come and help out and spend time with you. I wish I could have come too. I love your blogs and thanks for a laugh.

Lauren Thompson said...

Oh my, I remember the roller coaster so well! I am sure you recall me complaining often about how hard my life was with little ones. Well, to be honest, I miss it tons! Now I have to worry about teaching my 14 year old about REAL life lessons! I have never felt so inadequate in my whole entire life. I had the baby stage under control. This next chapter is so scary! This is when they figure out who they are, and they start deciding for themselves, who they are going to be. Yikes! Hang in there!

Unknown said...

AMEN!!! I am so there with you! I still think of the story you told about your mom falling down the stairs and how you all thought it was its our turn to be laughed at:) Your boys are getting so big! Crazy we are old enough for this...what happened to going on long drives up in the hills and seeing bust a move Mary??!!

Ashley said...

I think you're awesome juggling 3 boys! Happy Mother's Day.

Chiara said...

Amen!! That is all I have to say! Glad I'm not alone in my thoughts of raising three boys!! And if I dare say it - I think adding a girl to the mixture would just complicate things!! ;)-